Thursday, 14 February 2013

Designing Buttons for Your Website

Placing social buttons on your website provides companies both large and small the opportunity to have their content shared. However, it is not as simple as just adding a button to your existing pages; in order for your social buttons to be effective they should be included on your website pages proper manner. This will help ensure that the readers can easily locate them and that they work correctly. We are going to offer you some helpful tips on how to successfully incorporate social buttons into your website.

  • Placement Matters - The easier your buttons are to locate, the more likely they are to be used. People will not typically take the time to scroll over your page looking for social buttons; this is why you should place them in the most obvious location. Once you have placed the social buttons on your pages you should consult with co-workers and friends to ensure that they have been placed in an easy to see area.

  • Use Recognizable Buttons - If a visitor to your website can easily recognize which site your buttons will post to, they are more likely to use them. You should also avoid trying to incorporate the button image with your design. This may end up making the button unrecognizable and it will likely not get used as much as you would like.

  • Include Text - Two little words such as, "follow us" can encourage visitors to your website to do exactly that. This is not a required step when adding social buttons to your website, but it certainly can help. Many people will hesitate to share something, but these two little words may give them the little push they need.

  • Size Matters - Choosing the proper sized buttons for your website is very important. They should seem as if they are part of the original design and not be so large that they are overpowering. You also don't want to make them too small, if a visitor has trouble locating them because they are too small or get lost in the design they may not get used at all. Apple suggests that web designers use buttons that are 44px x 44px.

  • Keep It Simple - Almost everyone can easily recognize the most popular social media buttons. Because of this it is important that you do not redesign the logos. You may think that adding a friendly not to the Twitter bird will be entertaining for your visitors; it may have the opposite effect and change the logo so much that it becomes unrecognizable. Stick with the most familiar and widely used buttons that are easily recognized by your readers.

Social buttons are a great way to compel readers of your content to share it among their friends. The more visibility that your content receives, the more traffic that you may see coming to your website. It is even possible for your content to go viral if it shared among enough readers and their friends. There are a lot of benefits to including social buttons on your website, the tips we have provided should make the process easier to do and understand.

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